"Saint Mary" Monastery

"Incline my heart not to submit or consent to any evil thing or to be occupied in deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity; and let me not eat of their dainties." (Ps.141, 4).
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The Church of the Lord's Rise - Sacramento California  »   http://www.invierea-domnului.org
Along with the celebration of the Lord's Rise and the first feastday of our Church, we wish all Romanians the best of health, peace and quitness in their homes, prosperity and send them the traditional greeting "Crist is Risen ! May you live long and happy years !"
Archimandrite Priest Vichentie Punguta
Cernica Monastery  »   http://www.cernica.go.ro
Presentation of the Cernica Holy Monastery with an impressive number of images.
Putna Monastery  »   http://www.manastirea-putna.go.ro
Presentation of the Putna Holy Monastery from the commemoration day of 500 years since Saint Stefan the Great passed away.
Monasteries from Bucovina  »   http://www.manastiri-bucovina.go.ro
Presentation of the most important monasteries from Bucovina.
Saraca Monastery - Timis county  »   http://saraca.1plan.net
The page of Saraca Monastery - prayers and akathist hymns, icons, on-line library
Vladimiresti Monastery  »   http://www.manastirea-vladimiresti.go.ro
Presentation of Vladimiresti Monastery
Frasinei Monastery  »   http://www.manastirea-frasinei.go.ro
Presentation of Frasinei Monastery - foundation of the Saint Calinic
Cozia Monastery   »   http://www.manastirea-cozia.go.ro
Presentation of Cozia Monastery - over 600 years of history.
Tismana Monastery  »   http://www.manastirea-tismana.go.ro
Presentation of Tismana Monastery, the community of nuns, Saint Nicodim - life, akathist and paraklitikis hymns.
Varzaru Parish Com Moraresti, Jud. Arges  »   http://www.parohiavarzaru.go.ro
Brief history of the Varzaru Church - Icons, articles of His Holiness Bishop Calinic of Arges and Muscel, theological studies, photos.
Sf. Vineri Church - Bucharest  »   http://www.bisericasfvineri.ro
Presentation of the Sf. Vineri Church from the Drumul Taberei District in Bucharest; request to support the completion of the construction of the newly built Church

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Saturday, 18 January 2025, 1:53 am