"Saint Mary" Monastery
Donations and Donators

"3Be merciful and gracious to me, O Lord, for to You do I cry all the day. 4Make me, Your servant, to rejoice, O Lord, for to You do I lift myself up." (Ps.86, 3-4)

Monasteries have always been shelters and refuges for the less fortunate and the "Saint Mary" dwelling is no exception.

Lots of poor people have found and are continuously finding here both spiritual nourishment and their daily food.

The nuns help the poor by taking care of them and offering them plain meals. Some helpless old people enjoy the alms they get from the ones who love them here and are servants to God.

In October 2000 it was decided to build a new Church made of concrete (the present one is made of wood). As the Monastery does not have the necessary funds for it, you are kindly asked to donate anything you think can be of assistance to be able to carry forward and accomplish this mission.

You can also donate money in one of the bank accounts of the Monastery.

The great contributors will be nominated on the Monastery's site in recognition for their donations.

Sunday, 06 October 2024, 7:01 pm